Geburtsvorbereitung: Was muss wirklich in die Kliniktasche

Birth preparation: What really needs to go in the hospital bag

The big day is approaching and one of the most important preparations is packing your hospital bag for the birth. But what do you really need? Here you can find out what absolutely must be in your hospital bag for the birth and when you should start packing it. You will also find a packing list that you can download and personalize. This has been carefully compiled from things that have proven to be useful from personal experience.

Your packing list for the hospital

Many expectant parents tend to pack far too much. Often, the most necessary things are enough for the first 24 hours in the hospital. Everything else can be brought by your partner or family. Ideally, you should pack two smaller bags right at the start: one for the delivery room and the second for the subsequent postpartum period.

Packing list for the birth:

Pack only the essentials to avoid unnecessary weight and have everything quickly at hand.

  • Documents : health insurance card, identity card, birth plan

  • Hygiene items : toothbrush, toothpaste, hair tie (especially for long hair)

  • Comfortable clothing : Loose shirt or nightgown for birth, sweatpants, breastfeeding-friendly top

  • Socks & Slippers : Warm socks help you relax better

  • Snacks & water bottle : Energy for the birth – glucose tablets or energy bars are ideal if the birth lasts several hours

  • Massage oil & fans : helpful for relaxation

  • Glasses & Contact Lens Accessories : If you wear contact lenses

  • Mobile phone with charger and headphones : For music, communication and souvenir photos

Tip: Pack a small bag separately for the first 24 hours – this way you don’t have to search through everything at once.

Packing list for the postpartum period:

After giving birth, many mothers stay in the hospital for a few days. The following items should not be missing from your postpartum bag:

  • Your own hygiene and cosmetic products : toothbrush, shower gel, shampoo, hair tie (hair clips are uncomfortable depending on the birth position), lip balm (dry lips during birth!)

  • Medications: that you take regularly

  • Comfortable clothing : clean and comfortable clothes for the following days

  • Nursing bra (one size larger!) : Your breasts will grow as soon as your milk comes in, so the bras will still be a little bigger

  • Important documents : maternity record, questionnaires from the maternity ward, possibly the receipt for documents

  • For married parents : family ID or family booklet

  • For single or divorced parents : Certificate of residence of both parents and possibly recognition of paternity

  • For foreign parents : family ID card, certificate of residence, passport copy and foreigner ID card; in case of foreign marriage also an international marriage certificate

What do you need for the journey home with the baby?

After a short hospital stay after the birth, you can finally go home! For this you will need:

  • Baby's first equipment : wrap body, romper, hat, socks (according to the season)

  • Muslin cloths : For cuddling and breastfeeding

  • Baby car seat : Safety first! Thule Maple baby car seat offers optimal protection

  • Sleeping bag : A cozy sleeping bag , like the Bugaboo Cocoon , provides security and warmth during the colder months

Less stress through good preparation

Proper preparation for the birth ensures more serenity. Instead of packing too much, concentrate on the essentials. Thanks to a well thought-out packing list, you will have everything you need with you without causing unnecessary chaos. For even more relaxed preparation, you can easily and worry-free buy many essential baby products, such as the baby seat or the sleeping bag , from Rent loopi . This way you have high-quality, sustainable products on hand without having to worry about purchasing and storing them. With a well-packed hospital bag and the right products, you are well prepared for the arrival of your baby!

checklist from

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