Your subscription service for strollers, bike trailers, baby hammocks and more.
Our most popular products
How loopi works
There's a 6 month minimum duration subscription, after that it's flexible by the month for as long as you need it!
Rent your stroller
Discover our strollers for every lifestyle starting at only CHF 29.- per month.
More than just strollers
Bike trailer
Get in and go! Bike trailers for one child or two starting at CHF 39.- per month.
Travel cot, high chair or rocker
There's no place like home! To make sure you feel right at home, loopi "Living" is now available with products starting at CHF 19.- per month.
Overwhelmed? Here's what our customers say:
Contact us
Test drive a stroller here:
Home of Innovation
Klosterstrasse 34
8406 Winterthur
Phone & e-mail
+41 77 415 21 97