Welcome to the loopi blog!

Which stroller is the best? Find out in this blog article why you almost certainly need more than one stroller.

Loopi is an official partner of Bugaboo! Bugaboo is a premium stroller manufacturer based in Amsterdam. Find out why Bugaboo is an ideal partner in this blog post!

In our current series of "Parents' Stroller Stories" we deal with the topic of how expectant parents find the right stroller and whether the right one even exists. We benefit from the valuable knowledge of experienced parents. Today Pauliina talks about her pram odyssey.

This is where we write about strollers, sustainability and everything in between. In our "Parent's Stroller Stories", parents tell their personal stroller stories and how they've mastered their parental challenges, we know it's not easy!

We hope you enjoy reading and are always happy to receive feedback, questions or topic requests on hey@loopi.ch