Pauliina mit ihrem ersten Kinderwagen

Which stroller is the right one? And if so, how many?

In our current series of "Parents' Stroller Stories" we deal with the topic of how expectant parents find the right stroller and whether the right one even exists. We benefit from the valuable knowledge of experienced parents. Today Pauliina talks about her pram odyssey.

Hello Pauline! Tell me, what can you tell us about your stroller purchase?

Buy a stroller? Please don't do it! It was just annoying. Me and my husband have literally scoured children's shops. At least ten. It was extremely time consuming and stressful. We sacrificed four Saturdays for this. Since we were the first in our circle of friends with children, we had to rely on the advice of the staff. Of course we also researched online. In total, we must have invested more than 20 hours. Travel time not included.

The advisors in the stores weren’t very helpful either. They tried to find out what we needed, but actually most of the sellers already had a favorite stroller that they recommended to us. And - oh wonder - always a different one. Bugaboo, Babyzen and much more. Thousands of features and benefits were presented to us. But as parents-to-be, it was really difficult to imagine the different situations with a stroller.

Say no more! And what did you finally decide on?

We ended up buying a Peg Perego station wagon. Of course with baby seat, seat and car seat. I would not have expected how little we really need the baby seat. It was quickly stowed away in the basement. After about 1.5 years, the station wagon became too much for us. We then switched to a travel stroller.

We spent a total of around 1,200 francs, not counting our time and storage space in the basement, of course. What annoys me the most: I thought I could resell the stroller without any problems. Five years later it's still in my basement (I don't even want to know what that would mean in Franconia). Too bad to throw away - As it stands, but also too used to be picked up. Selling the travel stroller is out of the question. That would be pram torture. He should be allowed to go with dignity.

What advice can you give our parents-to-be?

In conclusion, I can say: I would have been happy to subscribe to loopi. Life is constantly changing and so are your expectations of a stroller. Plus you never know what your baby will be like. If you are unlucky, your child will refuse to use the stroller after a short time.

Pauliina (39), Ellen's mom, would choose loopi today.

How would Pauliina have benefited from a loopi stroller subscription?

Pauliina would definitely have saved herself a lot of nerves and time. But let's be honest: Who wouldn't rather spend a few hours researching a stroller than Netflix and a packet of chips? Even.

At loopi, Pauliina would simply have chosen a stroller that suits her current lifestyle. A lot on public transport? Bugaboo Bee 6! Shopping venture? Bugaboo Donkey 5 mono! Bit of both? Bugaboo Fox 3! And if something changes, she could change very flexibly after six months.

In contrast to buying, Pauliina would not have to keep the strollers and child seats. If they are no longer used, you simply send your things back to loopi. Then they are professionally cleaned and upgraded. No more guilty conscience that the stroller rots in the basement or, in the worst case, has to be disposed of.

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